Grandma’s cell phone

I think that question is completely unnecessary, rather than whether or not you have a cell phone. Because nowadays everyone has a cell phone. Do I really know anyone around me who does not have a cell phone? Even my grandmother already has a cell phone; my 75 year old grandmother has a cell phone and is very happy about it. But there were times when my grandmother didn\’t want a cell phone. My grandmother herself thought cell phones were completely useless. But when she saw the utility of a cell phone, she wanted one. We told her that if she didn\’t want a cell phone, she could simply return it.

Mobil a notebook jsou nepostradatelné.

that maybe we could sell it. But about three days later, my grandmother said she was totally satisfied with the phone. We were really excited. Because this way at least I can see my grandmother anytime. I mean, I can actually talk to my grandma by ear on a regular basis. She lives far away. So we thought it would be best to give her a cell phone. Grandma didn\’t want it, saying that cell phones are harmful. Grandma didn\’t want a cell phone because she said it was harmful. And she also heard on TV that cell phones could be used for eavesdropping.

Babička má také mobil.

In my opinion, this is bullshit. However, it is true that my mother has a camera taped to her laptop. She is afraid that someone will spy on her. How many times have I told her that we are not popular or important enough to be spied on? But I have yet to convince my mother. She still has tape on her laptop camera. I don\’t care and I don\’t believe that at all. Do you think anyone with a cell phone thinks they are being bugged too? If you were a politician or an important person, maybe. But right now, I don\’t think anyone would allow themselves to be bugged.

Grandma’s cell phone

I think that question is completely unnecessary, rather than whether or not you have a cell phone. Because nowadays everyone has a cell phone. Do I really know anyone around me who does not have a cell phone? Even my grandmother already has a cell phone; my 75 year old grandmother has a cell phone and is very happy about it. But there were times when my grandmother didn\’t want a cell phone. My grandmother herself thought cell phones were completely useless. But when she saw the utility of a cell phone, she wanted one. We told her that if she didn\’t want a cell phone, she could simply return it.

Mobil a notebook jsou nepostradatelné.

that maybe we could sell it. But about three days later, my grandmother said she was totally satisfied with the phone. We were really excited. Because this way at least I can see my grandmother anytime. I mean, I can actually talk to my grandma by ear on a regular basis. She lives far away. So we thought it would be best to give her a cell phone. Grandma didn\’t want it, saying that cell phones are harmful. Grandma didn\’t want a cell phone because she said it was harmful. And she also heard on TV that cell phones could be used for eavesdropping.

Babička má také mobil.

In my opinion, this is bullshit. However, it is true that my mother has a camera taped to her laptop. She is afraid that someone will spy on her. How many times have I told her that we are not popular or important enough to be spied on? But I have yet to convince my mother. She still has tape on her laptop camera. I don\’t care and I don\’t believe that at all. Do you think anyone with a cell phone thinks they are being bugged too? If you were a politician or an important person, maybe. But right now, I don\’t think anyone would allow themselves to be bugged.