Favorite Travel

I have always loved to travel. Luckily, my parents also traveled a lot and loved to travel, so as a young child I was soon able to see every corner of the country; by the time I was 10 years old, I had visited every city in the Czech Republic. I fell in love with traveling and still do. Traveling is completely normal for me and also a complete staple that I never stop enjoying. Of course, there are people who don\’t have time to travel, who don\’t enjoy traveling, or who don\’t have the money to travel. But I really can\’t imagine life without travel.

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And even when I was pregnant with my son I still could not forgive myself. Of course, it was a light trip, but I could never forgive myself. I always told myself that I would travel even if I had a baby. Come to think of it, my parents traveled with me. According to my mother, by the time I was five years old, I had visited 30 cities in the Czech Republic.

Ráda cestuji k vodě.

And she said that by the time I was five, I had been to Italy twice and Greece twice. I was really impressed. So I take travel as a very normal thing. It\’s not a luxury for me, it\’s totally normal. If I couldn\’t travel from one day to the next, I would go to ……. I really can\’t imagine. That\’s why I work a job that requires a lot of travel. I really enjoy it. I don\’t travel that often, but at least I\’m happy to have business travel and be able to take advantage of it. What are your favorite destinations? Do you like the mountains in the winter or do you prefer summer or the ocean? For example, my father loves mountains and skiing, so we go to the mountains every year. On the other hand, my neighbor only likes hot weather and the sea. So there is no way the two of us would have a perfect vacation together.

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