Teacher of state religion

John Amos Comenius is still called a teacher of opinion. This is perhaps an underrated figure. If Jan Amos Comenius had been born in France or England, his name would certainly be known throughout the secular world, so that he is known only to the entire educated world.
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Jan Amos Komensky was born on March 28, 1592 in the Marquisate of Moravia and died on November 15, 1670 in Amsterdam.10]
We associate him with pedagogy, but he was first and foremost a priest, a brother church bishop, a writer, a philosopher He was first and foremost a priest, a brother bishop, a writer, a philosopher, a mystic, and above all a teacher.
But his pedagogical insights are remarkable and above all timeless, given the spirit in which education was conducted at the time. Drills, rote learning, and teaching methods that were only for the chosen few. And, to top it off, one Comenius preached a rather revolutionary view.
Let\’s get acquainted with the main pedagogical views of Comenius.
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The pedagogical views of the “teachers of the nations”

  • Everyone is entitled to education and training even the least gifted child.
  • Education has three purposes – to know oneself and the world, to master oneself, and to raise one\’s soul to God.
  • Comenius proposed the following school organization:Until the age of six the child is educated at home. However, it was not indiscriminate, and he specified the educational content in his manual “Informatorium of the Kindergarten School”. 33]-ages 6 to 12 is a general school,and should be in every village. Education should also cover girls. The schooling should be in reading, writing, arithmetic, religion, learning about nature, singing, handicrafts, etc.The schooling should be in the form of a school for girls and girls\’ children. 12-18 – Latin schools. Seven liberal arts (grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, music) should be taught. Natural sciences, geography, history, mathematics, and languages are also taught. 18 – 24 academies or universities. Traveling after completion of education.
  • Comenius stressed that there is no end to education.
  • Comenius first defined the terms academic year, holidays, and school week, which he called “the school week.
  • He set forth the principles that constitute the pillars of modern pedagogy,these include the principles of illustration, systematic and systematic, activity, permanence, and adequacy.

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