
Super Tips for Choosing the Best Light Bulbs

Light bulbs have many great features that we all need. Choosing the right one is important because if you choose the right one, you won\’t have to replace it for a long time. Don\’t make your decision based on price alone. There are fourbasic choices. classic (60W), halogen (42W), energy-saving (12W), LED frosted (9.5W) and clear (6W) bulbs. Sizes and finishes also vary. Otherwise, the products would not fit and would be unusable even if economically feasible. At the same time, the market enjoys an abundance of shapes. It is up to you to decide what design you want.



Kassiopi is a very old city that survived both English and Venetian rules. The colonists left here a lot of buildings, beautiful colonnades, mansions and ruins. Upon arrival, you will be surprised by the less attractive beach at the entrance and the bankrupt pubs near it. Do not worry, if you follow a small path around the cape, you will see the natural pearls of this city. Olive groves, monumental villas and cute beaches surrounded by rocks alternate. At the top of the hill is a magnificent castle surrounded by ruins.If you walk away from the main beach, the



Kassiopi is a very old city that survived both English and Venetian rules. The colonists left here a lot of buildings, beautiful colonnades, mansions and ruins. Upon arrival, you will be surprised by the less attractive beach at the entrance and the bankrupt pubs near it. Do not worry, if you follow a small path around the cape, you will see the natural pearls of this city. Olive groves, monumental villas and cute beaches surrounded by rocks alternate. At the top of the hill is a magnificent castle surrounded by ruins.If you walk away from the main beach, the


Albania – The Best Places

Albania boasts beautiful mountains in the Alps. It is a must for mountain lovers. The Albanian Alps form the border with Montenegro, and it is worth mentioning that there are super hiking signs thanks to Czech volunteers. No need to worry about getting lost. A coastal country, Albania boasts beautiful people and lovely beaches. If you like to sunbathe on the beach or swim in the ocean, the Albanian Riviera is definitely worth your attention. It is located in southern Albania on the coast of the Ionian Sea. Some of Albania\’s most beautiful beaches are found here. It would


Albania – The Best Places

Albania boasts beautiful mountains in the Alps. It is a must for mountain lovers. The Albanian Alps form the border with Montenegro, and it is worth mentioning that there are super hiking signs thanks to Czech volunteers. No need to worry about getting lost. A coastal country, Albania boasts beautiful people and lovely beaches. If you like to sunbathe on the beach or swim in the ocean, the Albanian Riviera is definitely worth your attention. It is located in southern Albania on the coast of the Ionian Sea. Some of Albania\’s most beautiful beaches are found here. It would


“S čím nesmíteいletadla

Nikdo z lidínevidítěmostatním do hlavy,jak sečíká. Nikdo nedokáže odhalit,同報無線自動起動装置”jak ti druzí smýšlejí、nikdo také nedokáže odhadnout,zdaいněkomu s tou nejlepší pověstí někdy nerupne v bedně. A proto je uß dlouho naprosto búné,še si lidé nemohou brát do letadla cokoliv,co je jenom napadne. Leccosによるse tu totiž dalo použít jako zbraň nebo nástroj sloužící k destrukci takového stroje、existujeいledacos、coによるtu mohlo představovat rizikoいnaprosto neúmyslně、nevědomky. A když tak přijdeme na letiště日本機械学会obvykle na nejedné výstražné ceduli upozorňováni na,株si nesmíme vzítいpříručního株dokonce阿いodbaveného zavazadla. 助同報無線自動起動装置”jak už nás(nevím,zda nově,nebo už delší dobu,protože実験力学吐nevěnoval pozornost ažいdoby,než実験力学tam letos neměl při přehnaně dlouhém čekání株dělat)varují i na pražském letišti,máme se smířit s tím,že nám mohou být


“S čím nesmíteいletadla

Nikdo z lidínevidítěmostatním do hlavy,jak sečíká. Nikdo nedokáže odhalit,同報無線自動起動装置”jak ti druzí smýšlejí、nikdo také nedokáže odhadnout,zdaいněkomu s tou nejlepší pověstí někdy nerupne v bedně. A proto je uß dlouho naprosto búné,še si lidé nemohou brát do letadla cokoliv,co je jenom napadne. Leccosによるse tu totiž dalo použít jako zbraň nebo nástroj sloužící k destrukci takového stroje、existujeいledacos、coによるtu mohlo představovat rizikoいnaprosto neúmyslně、nevědomky. A když tak přijdeme na letiště日本機械学会obvykle na nejedné výstražné ceduli upozorňováni na,株si nesmíme vzítいpříručního株dokonce阿いodbaveného zavazadla. 助同報無線自動起動装置”jak už nás(nevím,zda nově,nebo už delší dobu,protože実験力学吐nevěnoval pozornost ažいdoby,než実験力学tam letos neměl při přehnaně dlouhém čekání株dělat)varují i na pražském letišti,máme se smířit s tím,že nám mohou být


Ceske Budějovice

In Chimurman\’s play “Záskok” many of you have probably heard that “everyone wants to live in České Budějovice.” And when I moved here many years ago, even before “Záskok”, I thought so too. Because a town like this should really be a great place to live. But as it is, not all expectations are always met and sometimes they are not. That is why, at least as a tourist, you may eventually become a local, you may want to come here. Or maybe not. Everyone will want to live in České Budějovice, but some will not. If you come


Ceske Budějovice

In Chimurman\’s play “Záskok” many of you have probably heard that “everyone wants to live in České Budějovice.” And when I moved here many years ago, even before “Záskok”, I thought so too. Because a town like this should really be a great place to live. But as it is, not all expectations are always met and sometimes they are not. That is why, at least as a tourist, you may eventually become a local, you may want to come here. Or maybe not. Everyone will want to live in České Budějovice, but some will not. If you come


Christmas Traditions Around the World

If asked what a typical Czech Christmas tradition is, throwing lead, decorating Christmas trees, baking candy with children, listening to and singing carols, and going to church at midnight mass They would always mention it. They would also never miss the carp and potato salad. But what about foreign traditions? Probably not many. But that will change when you read the following lines. Because now, during the Christmas season, we will travel through some of them together.England and the United States You are probably familiar with the customs of these English-speaking countries. In the UK, Father Christmas distributes presents,