
Dangers on the road

Ordinary people do not travel as much as he does. For some, the journey from the city to the nearest village is already an adventure. After all, not everyone likes to travel. Instead of enjoying the journey, they rather fear it. The reasons for this are shrouded in mystery. Today, traveling alone is not as dangerous as it used to be. Of course, anything can happen, and train derailments cannot be ruled out in advance. But it is safe, for example,to wander through the forests in our area. We rarely run into bandits or robbers. However, that does not


High Tatras in Slovakia: Attractive places as well as winter holidays

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the Czech Republic is the highest mountain of its neighbors 1. Not only skiers and climbers try to climb on dangerous-looking shields, but also hiking for adrenaline sports are popular here. The combination with luxury hotels can make the holiday a stylish experience for the whole family in neighboring Slovakia. · It is very easy to get injured or get lost in the tatra. Therefore, you must always follow safety recommendations and marked trails. Be careful not to always stay in the mountains at night as wild animals move there. Nevertheless,


High Tatras in Slovakia: Attractive places as well as winter holidays

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the Czech Republic is the highest mountain of its neighbors 1. Not only skiers and climbers try to climb on dangerous-looking shields, but also hiking for adrenaline sports are popular here. The combination with luxury hotels can make the holiday a stylish experience for the whole family in neighboring Slovakia. · It is very easy to get injured or get lost in the tatra. Therefore, you must always follow safety recommendations and marked trails. Be careful not to always stay in the mountains at night as wild animals move there. Nevertheless,


Winter holidays in Egypt

In winter, the warm African climate attracts more and more eager Czechs to visit Egypt, the cradle of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Pleasant winter weather directly encourages visitors to visit unique cultural monuments of immeasurable value, which can only be compared with the Mayan pyramids of Central America. Don\’t miss these 4 most famous landmarks!Pyramids of GizaThese pyramids were built as the last resting place for the king of Egypt and his wife. On the territory of Egypt there are about 100 pyramids of different sizes and building styles. The most famous of them is


Winter holidays in Egypt

In winter, the warm African climate attracts more and more eager Czechs to visit Egypt, the cradle of one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Pleasant winter weather directly encourages visitors to visit unique cultural monuments of immeasurable value, which can only be compared with the Mayan pyramids of Central America. Don\’t miss these 4 most famous landmarks!Pyramids of GizaThese pyramids were built as the last resting place for the king of Egypt and his wife. On the territory of Egypt there are about 100 pyramids of different sizes and building styles. The most famous of them is


Under what conditions can you go on vacation, even if you expect a child. How to travel during pregnancy.

You are expecting a baby, but you do not want to forgive yourself for your vacation. This is not necessary, if the pregnancy proceeds normally, you can also quietly go to the sea.  Under what conditions can you go on vacation, even if you are expecting a child? How to travel during pregnancy.  You love to travel, but you are now in a blessed state. You might wonder if it\’s wise to travel at this time of year. If you do not plan a direct trip abroad, as you plan to take a vacation only in the Czech Republic,


Avalanches, how to face them

Yes, avalanches are the biggest killer in the mountains. The strength of the avalanche did not resist the whole village. They have long cut off many people from the world. They destroyed and killed property. And undoubtedly, if you are engaged in winter tourism and skiing in the mountains, they also directly threaten you. Perhaps, before you know the avalanche personally, it can be said that it is only a matter of time. In the best case, you will observe it from a distance. Second… The title is how to deal with avalanches. It is best to avoid the


Unknown Poland

No visit to Poland is complete without a visit to Warsaw. The capital of the neighboring country is beautiful and will surely enchant you with its many attractions. But let\’s go with you to some of Poland\’s other interesting cities that you would be remiss not to visit. Poland is so close that a long weekend is all you need to visit. You can easily reach Poland by car, train, or bus. The choice is yours. Wroclaw The romantic city of Wroclaw is the fourth largest city in Poland. The oldest town is located on the island of Tuma,


in a large city

If you live in a large city, you do not need your own car. Public transportation is excellent, and you can get where you need to go within the required time frame. You can go anywhere at night. If you live in a more peripheral area. However, if you live in a small town or village, or on the periphery of a large city, transportation becomes more difficult and you have to rely on it. Having your own car is certainly an indispensable necessity. Most families have two or three cars. It is quite normal. But what if your


7-day march

The northernmost point of the Czech Republic is at Cape Šluknov. The settlement of the North, belonging to Lobendavu, became the starting point for the transition of the tourist group of 8 young people. At the same time, it is the place where the country is closest to the Baltic Sea, 300 km away by air route. At the northernmost point there is a memorial obelisk, from which the journey begins. The weather forecast is good and brightens the mood of all pilgrims. The route is planned so that the ration for 1 day does not exceed 50 kilometers.